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Monkey Island Music

We're nearing the 300$ line, I wonder who'll  be the one who breaks it.
I'm trying to form an Israeli band to play quest music together, including Monkey Island music, and I appeared in an article in the newspaper about it:
Article in NRG maariv (Hebrew)

If anyone from Israel is interested in playing with us, please send me an email.
I'm hoping to invite Ron Gilbert to our first concert, and I hope he drives his new car to it, the car he'll buy from the profits he'll make from making  a computer game sponsored by our website !
His new adventure game might include such exciting features as :
  • Explore vast worlds
  • Interact with interesting people
  • Mind-blowing 3D graphics
  • Multiple weapons to choose from
But probably not.
So, put your money to the cause, and let's help Ron Gilbert make a new kick-butt 2d adventure game !!

Oded Sharon

20-08-2005   22:09:58

Erez Has commented:
Hi Oded, good to see I´m not the only nut around here. I know all the music, you bloody name it. Problem is, I can´t play any instrument. A Triangle maybe.

20-09-2005,   10:35:37

No_tnx Has commented:
ahhmm, hey.. :) I´m not much of a quest lover and all. Neither have i played monkey island. But not long ago i heard the band "The Black Mages" playing FF music and i gotta tell ya thats some cool stuff :) I live in israel and I play some guitar(electric..not that it matters..hehe). Now I´m not saying that I´m much of a pro. but teaming up and playing some cool quest music could be a nice idea.. Only thing is that i live some 40 km from TA so.. well I dunno... if u feel like contact me :P

24-09-2005,   10:36:55
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