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Wrapping it up


In two week, I'll be wrapping up Car4Ron, and send all the money we've collected here at Car4Ron directly to Ron Gilbert.
He promised to use the money "to build a kick-butt prototype for my next game."   (see his email about Car4Ron.)

I want to thank you all who donated to our cause, and for all those who visited this site.
We all hope Ron makes some good game for us to play, we've been longing for it for too long.

Good luck to all, and happy holidays !

Oded Sharon
Founder, Buy A Car For Ron Gilbert.

09-12-2005   12:56:12

Bobbin Threadbare Has commented:
To be honest, I don´t think anybody cared too much. Honestly, people. You could´ve at least donated a buck. Another thing I´m getting at is this didn´t get much publicity (banners/ads on other sites etc.). I don´t think I even saw a link on Mojo. I don´t mean to sound like a whining bitching person. I just mean it to sound like a comment. I know if people start to get pissed at me you´ll probably flame me for my Brian Moriarty name, but don´t flame me. Hope the game comes along well, Ron (if you´re reading). Be sure to make it in all it´s butt-kicking goodness.

12-12-2005,   16:21:04

Micksa Has commented:
Start up

25-03-2006,   17:49:22
The first Ron Gilbert Fan Site.

Check out my game Bolt Riley!

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