Donated So Far: 431.20$

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Ron Gilbert official - Ron Gilbert's Official Website And Blog

Interviews With Ron Gilbert
File Front Interview on 01/27/2005 - An interview with Ron about games, life, and the future.
GameSpot Interview - An interview with Ron about games, life, and the future.
Interview with Ron on Idle Thumbs - Interview with Ron on Idle Thumbs

Other Game Developer Fan Sites
Church Of Tim - Tim Schafer got his own fan site.
The Al Lowe Fan Page - A fan page for Al Lowe

Ron Gilbert at Google - A simple search for the term "Ron Gilbert" in Google
Monkey island demo - A demo version of The secret of monkey island
The Dig Museum - All about The Dig

Other Donation Sites
Trek United - Donate money to save Star Trek Enterprise (one of Ron`s favorite shows)

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The first Ron Gilbert Fan Site.

Check out my game Bolt Riley!

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