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Happy Holidays !

Happy Christmas, Chanuka, Kawanza, Festivus and Winter-een-mas to everybody from

Ron's request was this and :
Take the rest of the money and donate it to a charity from "Monkey Island Fans Everywhere".

Happy Holidays, have fun, and remember. Never pay more then $20 for a computer game...

Oded Sharon.
Buy A Car For Ron Gilbert.

24-12-2005   17:54:23

Rob Scannell Has commented:
We love you Ron! Monkey Island Forever!

12-03-2006,   13:36:24

Doron Tsur Has commented:
i think this was a great idea, even if it´s eventually going to be "just" a toy-car. kol hakavod. anyway - maybe you should ask GAYDAMAK for a donation, im sure he´ll be happy! =)

03-01-2006,   23:37:08
The first Ron Gilbert Fan Site.

Check out my game Bolt Riley!

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