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More publications, New T-shirts, and Links.

German sites articles:

Car4ron was linked to from several German websites. Mostly the ones dealing with Monkey Island.
I don't speak german, but putting it through the google translator it came out really funny.
Thanks for the links, or rather Danke.

New T-shirts

Due to popular demands, I've spiced up the T-shirts in our CafePress Store.
Most T-shirts now have a back side saying "I've donated money to Buy A Car For Ron Gilbert and all I got was this lousy T-shirt".
These T-shirts will be only up for the general public for a month. after that, i'll allow only donors to buy the "I've donated money" T-shirts.
The other t-shirts will still be available later. So hurry up and get your t-shirt while this one short month lasts.

Links section

I've programmed the Links section to allow you to add links yourself, and help me keep a database of links that regrad Ron.
The links I want to have are for instance articles about Ron, interviews, stuff that ron wrote (other then on his website).
If you want to contribute to the effort, feel free to add links yourself.

Happy huntin' !


03-02-2005   19:29:09

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